Tips to Impress Indian Girls

India is a traditional country. Although people are becoming
modern with every passing day but still there is a traditional touch in
them. Same is the case with indian girls.They are becoming
modern but still having that indian touch.I had spended a
huge time surfing on net and books to get tips and techniques
for attracting girls. But most of them did't work for indian girls.
So i decided to find it myself.And now after 2 years of hardwork
i can say that am successful with girls.

And now i am presenting A SERIES OF BLOGS for guys of my
country to get those tips n guidance.There Is no charge for it,
the only thing you require is DETERMINATION.
So Lets Start..............

Guys generally have this misconception that they will not get
girls coz they are not good looking,they are not rich ,they are


Yes all this is crap.

Have you ever noticed that a worst looking guy is hanging with
a real babe.What do you feel at that time. Most of the couples
in this world are not made for each other, always there is one
who's better.So please,throw these creepy thinking out of your
There is nothing like this. OKAY!!!

So,the first thing that u have to believe that you are attractive
and you can easily attract girls.

Difference Between Boys Mentality And Girls Mentality
As men we're primarily attracted to the stereotypical "Hot Girl".
And according to popular men's magazines all guys desire thin,
fair, and large-breasted models.(While you might have different
tastes, this type of girl is statistically found to be the most
popular type of woman among men.)

Now what's interesting is women are attracted to different things
then men.First off, each woman has varied tastes in men. What
they find attractive really depends on their personality. Some love
large hulking men, while others are attracted to thin, intellectual

In addition women are primarily attracted to traits which are not
based on personal appearance. Things like confidence, goal
orientation and humor are all traits which can attract a woman.

Obviously this is good news!

No matter what faults you might find in your own appearance, you
can still be very successful with women. If you know how to
demonstrate an attractive personality then it becomes easy to
succeed with women.

So the moral of this post is to STOP worrying about your looks.

Two Most Important Things Which Attract Girls

Have you ever been completely frustrated when it comes to
attracting the type of girl you like to you? I think we've all
been in those situations where you admire a girl from a far,
and wonder what its going to take to get her to fall in love with
you and we all want to know how we can make her attracted
to us.

As i mentioned above ,your looks only play a small role. The two
major factors in being an attractive man are:

As it is rightly said that CONFIDENCE is the most important thing in
life to become successful. The same is the case with girls.I can
tell you how to meet girls,how to approach them .but i dont
know that weather you have enough confidence or not to follow
them or not.

The more confident you are, the easier it is for you to do what
needs to be done with women.

I dont think that it is reuired to tell about personality. but let me
tell you one thing personality does not mean that you have to be
tall ,shaped body,etc.It means how you show your confidence.It
depends on your on you abilty to present yourself in fornt of people.

The more personality you have, the easier it is to gain attraction

Tips to Impress Indian Girls

Tips to Impress Indian Girls

India is a traditional country. Although people are becoming
modern with every passing day but still there is a traditional touch in
them. Same is the case with indian girls.They are becoming
modern but still having that indian touch.I had spended a
huge time surfing on net and books to get tips and techniques
for attracting girls. But most of them did't work for indian girls.
So i decided to find it myself.And now after 2 years of hardwork
i can say that am successful with girls.

And now i am presenting A SERIES OF BLOGS for guys of my
country to get those tips n guidance.There Is no charge for it,
the only thing you require is DETERMINATION.
So Lets Start..............

Guys generally have this misconception that they will not get
girls coz they are not good looking,they are not rich ,they are


Yes all this is crap.

Have you ever noticed that a worst looking guy is hanging with
a real babe.What do you feel at that time. Most of the couples
in this world are not made for each other, always there is one
who's better.So please,throw these creepy thinking out of your
There is nothing like this. OKAY!!!

So,the first thing that u have to believe that you are attractive
and you can easily attract girls.

Difference Between Boys Mentality And Girls Mentality
As men we're primarily attracted to the stereotypical "Hot Girl".
And according to popular men's magazines all guys desire thin,
fair, and large-breasted models.(While you might have different
tastes, this type of girl is statistically found to be the most
popular type of woman among men.)

Now what's interesting is women are attracted to different things
then men.First off, each woman has varied tastes in men. What
they find attractive really depends on their personality. Some love
large hulking men, while others are attracted to thin, intellectual

In addition women are primarily attracted to traits which are not
based on personal appearance. Things like confidence, goal
orientation and humor are all traits which can attract a woman.

Obviously this is good news!

No matter what faults you might find in your own appearance, you
can still be very successful with women. If you know how to
demonstrate an attractive personality then it becomes easy to
succeed with women.

So the moral of this post is to STOP worrying about your looks.

Two Most Important Things Which Attract Girls

Have you ever been completely frustrated when it comes to
attracting the type of girl you like to you? I think we've all
been in those situations where you admire a girl from a far,
and wonder what its going to take to get her to fall in love with
you and we all want to know how we can make her attracted
to us.

As i mentioned above ,your looks only play a small role. The two
major factors in being an attractive man are:

As it is rightly said that CONFIDENCE is the most important thing in
life to become successful. The same is the case with girls.I can
tell you how to meet girls,how to approach them .but i dont
know that weather you have enough confidence or not to follow
them or not.

The more confident you are, the easier it is for you to do what
needs to be done with women.

I dont think that it is reuired to tell about personality. but let me
tell you one thing personality does not mean that you have to be
tall ,shaped body,etc.It means how you show your confidence.It
depends on your on you abilty to present yourself in fornt of people.

The more personality you have, the easier it is to gain attraction